Welcome To Foreclosure Rescue

This is a very special foreclosure bailout program that is not offered with other Companies.

This foreclosure bailout program continues to grow and better itself as time passes. We’ve bailed so many people out of foreclosure and now it’s time to help you.  We help owner occupied and non-owner occupied property owners stop foreclosure.  


 Please read the details of this program to get a better understanding and to see if this program is a good fit for you then apply online or give us a call.  We are here to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Foreclosure Bailout Buyback program?

This program is designed for Home Owners that:

Are Facing Foreclosure

Are Facing Bankruptcy

Already in Bankruptcy

Is Behind in Mortgage Payments

Modification didn’t help

Current Lender won’t do a Modification

Too late to do a Short Sale

Don’t want to lose your property

Need Help NOW!!!


If you fall into any of the categories above, then our program is great for you. Time is your enemy! If your mortgage payments are more than three months behind, your lender has probably already started foreclosure proceedings. As time passes, thousands of dollars in penalties and legal fees can be added to the balance you owe. Every single day that goes by, extra interest and penalties are added to your remaining mortgage balance, making it harder and harder to pay back or catch up!

The Foreclosure Bailout Buy Back Program can help get you out of foreclosure regardless of your situation or credit history.


How does the Foreclosure Bailout Buyback Work?

It’s quite simple and easy. This program is designed to bail you out of Foreclosure by purchasing your property outright paying off your current mortgage while leasing the property back to you until you are able to get your situation organized and buy your property back.

What are the benefits of this program?

* You would not have a foreclosure on your credit

* You wouldn’t have to move out of your home

*  Eliminates the challenges of qualifying and securing new housing.

* You’ll have the option to buy your property back when you are financially ready


This program is the perfect opportunity to get a fresh start and not lose your home.



What States are Eligible for the program?

This program is available in the following states:



More states to come!



Available Nationwide

Who is eligible for the program?

Eligibility is determined, by many factors, including the equity you have in your home, the balance you owe on your mortgage, the current market value of your home, satisfactory income to make your new payment, and the reason why you are in your current situation.

Credit is not a factor when qualifying for the program.  


Guidelines: This program has standard guidelines. View below:


From $250K to $5M

Rate: 9.875% – 12%
based on FICO

From 50% to 70% LTV
based on property & location

Term: 1yr
Interest Only

No Pre Payment Penalty

Down to 350 FICO

Property must be in good condition

Close as soon as 5 days


Minimum Requirements:

* A Social Security number

* Application Fee $295 WAIVED

* Must have a Checking Account

* A valid Driver’s License or State ID

* A Tri-Merge Credit Report fee of $57

* Must be able to show proof of income



We are extremely busy with our awesome program so our time is limited. Only complete this online application if you are really serious in moving forward.


Complete the form below to see if you are eligible



Lake Elsinore, California, United States

About us

FORECLOSURE RESCUE was born out of a deep passion for helping individuals and families navigate through challenging financial times. The journey began when our founder, witnessing the struggle of a close friend facing foreclosure, realized the dire need for a more compassionate and innovative approach to STOP FORECLSOURE. This personal experience fueled the desire to create a business that truly understands the unique needs of those facing foreclosure. Our team is not only highly experienced in this industry but also genuinely cares about the people we serve. We take pride in offering a special foreclosure bailout program that stands out from others in the field. Our unwavering commitment to providing personalized service and expert guidance is what sets us apart and makes us good at what we do

S&L Realty, CA Dre# 02134760

©2005-2024 PhoneOps Funding, LLC NMLS# 1491394